Grateful, mindful and living my best life

Monthly Archives: August 2013

I am addicted to this muesli!! A lovely friend gave it to me a year or so ago, and I swear in that time I can count on one hand the times I have NOT had it for breakfast!!


So I thought you might like to enjoy it too! It is gluten free, vegan and very healthy 🙂


Quinoa flakes

Slivered almonds

Puffed rice

Shredded coconut

Pitted dates

Dried cranberries

Puffed millet



Black Chia seeds

Puffed amaranth

Linseed (slightly ground)

Sunflower kernels

Activated bukinis

Either  raw malt syrup, maple syrup or coconut nectar to drizzle

I don’t use quantities, but a basic rule is to

make the majority of the mix puffed rice and sunflower seeds, and add whatever quantities you feel of the rest.

You can put whatever nuts or seeds you have in the pantry. My recipe changes slightly every time depending on what I have, and also my taste at that time.

 Power Muesli 


Combine everything except dried fruit and the “to drizzle” ingedients in a large bowl.

Put the griller of your oven on. Spread mixture thinly on an oven tray. Drizzle over your choice of sweetener. Pop into the oven to brown, will only take a few minutes so don’t leave it.

Place into a ceramic container to cool. Once cooled you can add your choice of dried fruits, and transfer to a plastic storage container.


Pre shake up 🙂



Enjoy with almond milk or rice milk for premium health benefits. Try to keep all ingredients organic, and buy sulphate free fruits.

Tonight I enjoyed a beautiful meal with like minded vegos/vegans at a local restaurant. The restaurant even created a special Vegan Menu for us! Talk about feeling the veggie love! They did such a great job, as vegan food is not something they specialise in. They were not able to offer a vegan dessert (which is ok) so I whipped up this little beauty when I got home, I’m calling it my Raw Vegan Choc Orange Mousse.  I hesitate to call it Jaffa flavoured as it just doesn’t quite cut it!


2 1/4 cups almond milk

1/2 cup hazelnuts, lightly crushed

1/2 cup walnuts, lightly crushed

1 avocado

2 tablespoons chia seeds

1 tablespoon of raw cacao

1/2 teaspoon mesquite powder

1/2 teaspoon maca powder

1 teaspoon lumica powder

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Pinch of Himalayan salt

1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence

2 tablespoons rice malt syrup

1/2 cup orange juice

1/4 teaspoon of orange rind

Few tablespoons of activated bukinis and raw cacao nibs to top


Whack everything in the blender, starting with the milk and avocado so your blender doesn’t clog up. If you find you would like it a little sweeter add some more syrup.

I decided to be a bit fancy and layer some bukinis and choc nibs, to add some crunch, as I was craving some crunch, but you don’t have to.

This will make about a litre of mousse. Keep in the fridge. I reckon I’ll have some more for breaky! 🙂

Al xx

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Today at work again I had a lovely chat with my workmates about my diet, (which I love to do by the way) and what I eat and what I don’t eat. And it really got me thinking about why I eat the way I do, and how that has changed so much over the past couple of years. I am a vegan and intolerant to gluten, dairy and soy.

As an introduction, I will tell you what I eat now:

Fruit and vegies, and plenty of them, and yes that includes potatoes. I try to limit my garlic and onion as it doesn’t agree with me.

At this time of year, soup is king. I have it at least once a day. And I throw everything in. If you follow me on Instagram (alsone765) you will see the sort of stuff I throw in. Everything but the kitchen sink (except for onions, garlic and oil.) And I use Vegetta gluten free, vegan stock.

Herbs and spices – when was the last time you had Cardamom? Rediscover it, its a beauty.

Herbamare is a great seasoning and I put it on just about everything. Even salads.

For butter I use Nuttalex.

I don’t eat bread currently as I am yet to find a gluten free one that doesn’t contain soy or dairy.

Quinoa, brown rice, legumes and beans (chickpeas don’t tend to agree with me)

Nuts and seeds – these make up the bulk of my diet. Nut butters too, except for peanut and only the organic stuff.

My cheese alternative is cashew cheese! It is amazing, you can make it yourself or try the Botanicals Cuisine brand, which is made in Melbourne.

For sweet treats, the above brand also makes ‘icecream’ made out of cashews – so delish but beware it is sweetened with Agave and this does not agree with everyone.

Coconut butter, milk, water, oil, cream etc etc!

My milk alternatives are Almond milk and rice milk.

Instead of Cabury’s or sugar laden chocolate, I make my own or enjoy coconut mylk chocolate made by ‘Loving Earth’. Great brand with a lot of amazing products.

Panty staples include Raw Cacao, Maca and Mesquite powders, ready to pop into a smoothie or Bliss Balls at any given moment.

I don’t eat traditional pasta as it is so highly refined and full of gluten.. (not because I am scared of carbs). I have Mung Bean pasta or make my own ‘pasta’ out of zucchini.

I stay away from anything that is highly processed or full of preservatives. If it is in a box, it was probably made in a science lab. If you can’t recognise the ingredients on the box, then your body won’t either. I buy my fruit and veg from my local green grocer or farmer’s market. Organic first where ever possible. I know this means my shopping bill is high and things are expensive, but If i ever get cancer then the cost will be much higher and on so many other levels.

A wise woman once told me, ‘If it has a barcode, it doesn’t belong in your body” and that’s the way I try to eat. As close to nature as possible, buying my own ingredients to make my own creations. 

Sugar causes cancer. It stuffs around with your metabolism and your hormones, so I don’t eat it. And because by body is free from candida, I don’t crave it either.

Part 2 – coming soon

Al xx

Something I really love to do is cook. Over the years my baking has transitioned from sugar laded, gluten loaded cakes, to more mindful, and creating sweet delights with quinoa flour, coconut nectar and cacoa nibs. Life is a whole lot sweeter when you don’t feel sick and bloated after a treat, and also not having wild mood swings due to the copious amounts of sugar!!

Also being vegan I have created some little masterpieces in the kitchen. Just today I was being quizzed by some workmates about what I eat. Generally the standard response I get when I say I am vegan is 1) do you eat fish then (um.. no) and 2) so what do you eat then?? This is not uncommon, and I find that once people open their mind to a world without meat and animal products, then a whole new world opens up, with many interesting and healthy foods that most meat-eaters didn’t even know existed.  I know, coz that was me 2 years ago!

So I rattled off the list of the nuts, seeds, fruits, vegies, grains and legumes that I devour each day. They were so interested that a couple have asked me for some of my recipes and meal plans of what I eat each day. This is not the first time i have been asked this, and of course I am MORE than happy to share the vegan/gluten free/healthy eating love!! xx

So here is the first of many recipies I will post on the blog.

Tonight I made this delicious Zucchini ‘Pasta’20130821_174439

1/2 medium zuchinni
1/4 jar of organic pasta sauce (or tinned tomatoes with oregano and garlic)
Assorted pre cooked vegies
Few teaspoons cashew nut cheese*
Herbamere* to taste
Sunflower or coconut oil to cook in

Method :
Using a wide vegetable peeler, slice thin piece of your zucchini long ways. Then using a sharp knife slice into thinner long pieces about 1/2 cm to 1cm wide.

Heat your oil in a fry pan. Cook the zucchini for a few minutes until just starts to soften. You don’t want it to go mushy. In fact you can have this raw. Add your pasta sauce and the vegies. Heat through. Then add a few tea spoons of nut cheese and stir through.

Add Herbamare to taste. Serve while hot.

This makes enough for one smallish dinner.

* I love “Botanical Cuisine Classic Cashew Cheese”, available in Mount Gambier from Ecologie Organics

* Herbamare is a herb salt and is available at Woolies. Adds so much flavour to dishes.

Here we are rehearsing Just the way you are/Only just a dream mashup a few weeks ago. We performed this at our local Eistedfodd and we won first place! And yes that is me with the long scarf in the middle.

Ok so those of you who know me in real life, will know that I have been a singer my whole life. I have been involved in a local group called Mayfair for the past 20 years. My little offshoot vocal group called Essence of Mayfair are my pride and joy. Myself and 5 other beautiful ladies, (including my sister) perform a capella, jazz, pop, and all sorts.

We recently entered a local competition run by the ABC, called Exhumed. The tag line – the greatest band’s you’ve never heard of! The idea being that if you are a band or group that just does it for the fun of it, not as a profession or a full time gig, then they wanted to hear from us. We were lucky enough to win our local final, representing the South East area of South Australia.

So now the fun begins! If we are selected, 6 finalists will be a part of a TV show put together by the ABC which will air in from November 2013. In addition to that, the public will vote for their most favourite performers to be crowned as ‘ People’s Choice Winner’. who will get to perform, along with the other 6 bands, at the finale live concert in December.

If you are feeling like this is something you would like to help me out with, please go to and vote for Essence of Mayfair, find us in South Australia

And if you would like to follow us on facebook, go to

Love Al xxImage

I was so honoured to sing today for our local RSL’s Vietnam Veterans Day service. On a cold Sunday afternoon, in 49km hour winds and trees threatening to drop more limbs around us, we gathered to remember.

A little gathering like this really puts things into perspective. While most of us were shivering and worried about our hair blowing around, there were 3 families in our midst who actually lost family members, killed in action in Vietnam. When I watched brothers, mother’s and widowed wives laying wrethes on the monument, I had tears in my eyes. It was so humbling and moving.

And when you recall the way in which our soldiers were ” welcomed” home, the appalling abuse they suffered, because of our Governments decision to join in the war, it makes days like this all the more special.

Lest We ForgetImage

Two of my favorite things, sunshine and green tea.I’m Al, 35 year old mumma of a spirited 5 year old boy. I love yoga, singing, enjoy eating with love and respect for my body and all creatures. I’m vegan and gluten free. I’m a wellness and spirit junkie.

I love nothing more than sitting with my toes in the sunshine, my son on my lap and a cuppa close by.

Suddenly, I had an urge to write more than what Instagram would allow or encourage. And I didn’t want to pour out my heart on Facebook and seem like I wanted a response. So I’m here, doing a blog. I tried this many years ago, when my son was only a new born, and I was going through post natal distress. It was a good way of getting my thoughts down and feel like I was having a conversation of sorts. It was healing. And I actually found it, if you care to read it,go to.

Now 5 years later that seems like a life time ago. I am in a fabulous head space, almost 30 kilos lighter, a vegan (who still eats eggs but I’m working on that), a dedicated yogi and fabulously healthy and happy. So here are my thoughts, about everything and anything really, enjoy xx


Love Al xx